Where has time gone?

Well I don’t know. It just seems like yesterday I talked about a Nip in the air.

That was actually several months ago. We were looking forward to racing MC’s on the Ice at Buckeye and Indian lakes. You need cold weather for that to happen and it didn’t happen. Not that I’m complaining as I would rather have a warm winter than a frozen one. Maybe next year.

We did have our Annual Banquet at Schmitts and a good time was had by all. John Lafollette entertained us. We had some great giveaways and I’m sure everyone won a prize.

Our need meeting is tonight at La Matraca restaurant located at 5000 Gender rd. Dinner at 7:00 meeting starts at 8:00.

Cory Samuell has moved out of state and we are now looking for a new membership focal point. If anyone is interested please contact me.

That’s all for now. Tks Mike


Spring is in the air


Nip in the Air